Cubesat OnBoard Computer (OBC-Cube-104)

Cubesat OBC

Compact and Powerful Onboard Computer for CubeSats


The OBC-Cube-104 represents a pinnacle of my work in embedded systems, specifically designed for Cubesat missions. This onboard computer, leveraging the SmartFusion2 Flash-Based FPGA, offers an ideal combination of performance, reliability, and flexibility for space applications. The use of Flash-based technology, known for its radiation tolerance, eliminates the need for bitstream configuration memory, enhancing the system’s robustness. This design ensures resilience against single-event upsets (SEUs) and other radiation effects, crucial for space environments.

Key Features and Technical Advantages

The OBC-Cube-104 was conceptualized and developed as a reliable, space-grade onboard computer system. This project allowed me to delve into the intricacies of designing a system that balances size, power efficiency, and computational capability. The board’s architecture leverages the strengths of microcontroller technology, combined with a focus on minimizing space and power consumption—critical factors in CubeSat missions.

The OBC-Cube-104 is equipped with an ARM Cortex-M3 core on the FPGA, providing up to 200 DMIPS of processing power. This setup is capable of running complex algorithms and handling various mission-critical tasks. The system’s architecture allows for custom processing implementations on the FPGA fabric, catering to specific mission needs. Additionally, it supports a variety of communication interfaces, including CAN, RS422, RS485, and optional SpaceWire, making it highly versatile.

  • Integrated Microcontroller and FPGA: The OBC-Cube-104 integrates a ARM M3 processor alongside an SmartFusion2 Flash Based FPGA, enabling real-time processing and flexibility in handling various satellite subsystems. This combination ensures SEU immunity and high radiation tolerance, with Total Ionizing Dose (TID) > 30Krad.
  • Robust Communication Interfaces: Equipped with multiple communication interfaces, including CAN bus, I2C, SPI, and UART, the OBC-Cube-104 ensures seamless integration with other satellite components. These interfaces are critical for data acquisition, control, and communication with ground stations.
  • Memory: The onboard MRAM provides radiation-immune memory storage, with options for 112/224Mb for RAM and up to 48/96Mb for ROM, all protected by ECC-EDAC.
  • Radiation Tolerance and Reliability: Given the harsh conditions of space, the design incorporates radiation-tolerant components and robust error correction mechanisms. This ensures that the OBC-Cube-104 can withstand the challenges of radiation exposure and continue to function reliably over extended mission durations.
  • Power Efficiency: The system is optimized for low power consumption, making it ideal for CubeSats with limited power budgets. This efficiency is achieved through careful selection of components and power management strategies.
  • Compact Design: The OBC-Cube-104’s compact size does not compromise its capabilities. It is designed to fit within the stringent space constraints of CubeSat structures, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of missions.

Customizable and Versatile:

  • Offers up to 192Gb of SLC NAND Flash in triple modular redundancy (TMR), ensuring data integrity.
  • Features a range of I/O options, including 20 to 60 digital I/O, 8/16 ADC channels, and 2 DAC channels.
  • Optional high-speed interfaces such as SpaceWire and CameraLink (upon request) provide robust data communication capabilities.

Environmental Resilience:

  • Designed to withstand harsh space conditions, with operational temperature ranges from -40°C to +85°C and compatibility with ISS CubeSat deployer standards for shock and vibration.

Power Efficiency:

  • Low power consumption between 1W to 2W, making it suitable for power-constrained Cubesat missions. The system supports a standard 5V ±5% power supply.

Special Features:

  • Inbuilt monitoring systems for current and temperature, along with a watchdog timer for system health management.
  • JPEG2000 encoder available upon request, enhancing onboard image processing capabilities.

This project was a testament to the complexity and precision required in developing a highly reliable onboard computer for space missions. The technical challenges involved in achieving a compact, efficient, and resilient design were substantial, but the final product stands as a robust solution for modern Cubesat missions. My work on the OBC-Cube-104 highlights my ability to deliver high-performance embedded systems tailored to the stringent requirements of space exploration.