Satellite On-Board Computer (OBC-1)

Satellite OnBoard Computer with Redundancy

High-Reliability Double Redundant OBC

The OBC-1 series, including the OBC-1 onboard computer, OBC1-Supervisor, and OBC1-Tester, represents a comprehensive solution for high-reliability satellite missions. These systems were designed and developed to ensure robust operation in the harsh environment of space. The OBC-1 provides scalable, radiation-tolerant computing power, while the OBC1-Supervisor enhances system reliability through intelligent redundancy management. The OBC1-Tester facilitates comprehensive validation of the OBC-1 and its supervisory system, ensuring readiness for mission-critical applications.

OBC-1: Advanced Onboard Computing

The OBC-1 is an FPGA-based single-board computer designed for space applications, featuring the Microchip/Microsemi SmartFusion2 Flash-based FPGA. Its architecture supports high redundancy, allowing seamless switching between modules in the event of a failure. The system is equipped with robust memory options, including MRAM for volatile storage and NAND Flash for non-volatile storage, ensuring data integrity even in the presence of radiation. With versatile interface options, the OBC-1 can handle complex data acquisition and control tasks, making it suitable for various satellite subsystems like AOCS and Power Management.

Key Features

  • OBC-1: ARM Cortex-M3, 150 DMIPS, multiple interface support, SEU immune.
  • FPGA Technology: SmartFusion2 Flash-based FPGA, SEU immune.
  • Memory Configuration: 80Mbits MRAM, 96Gbit SLC NAND Flash.
  • Interfaces: 70 Digital Outputs, 30 Digital Inputs, 32 ADC channels, 2 DAC channels, 4 CAN, 2 RS485, 1 RS422.
  • Special Features: Triple Real-Time Clock, hot redundant power converters, and onboard watchdog.
  • OBC1-Supervisor: Flash-Based Actel FPGA, pure logic operations, no processor.
  • OBC1-Tester: Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA, Microblaze processor, extensive interface testing.
OBC-1 Block Diagram

OBC1-Supervisor: Ensuring Redundant Reliability

The OBC1-Supervisor serves as a critical component for managing redundancy in OBC-1 systems. It operates on Flash-based Actel FPGA technology, providing a pure logic-based monitoring and control mechanism that requires no software. The Supervisor continuously monitors the health of two OBC-1 units, automatically switching between them if a fault is detected, and facilitating recovery protocols to restore functionality. This design minimizes downtime and enhances mission success rates by providing a high-reliability redundancy management system.

Key Features:
  • Pure Logic Monitoring: No processor dependency, reducing failure points.
  • Automatic Recovery: Built-in protocols for fault detection and recovery.
  • Current and I/O Monitoring: Real-time monitoring for rapid issue resolution.

OBC1-Tester: Comprehensive Testing and Validation

OBC1 tester

The OBC1-Tester is designed to streamline the testing and validation process for the OBC-1 and OBC1-Supervisor systems. It supports simultaneous testing of two OBC-1 boards and one OBC1-Supervisor, ensuring thorough examination of all system functionalities. The tester comes with a PC application for automated testing, providing detailed reports on system performance and identifying potential issues. The open-source FPGA project and embedded software facilitate customization, allowing tailored testing configurations.